Last fall, I signed up online to participate in The Sketchbook Project through Art House Co-op to keep in touch with my drawing and painting roots. After signing up for the project, I received a Moleskine sketchbook with a barcode on it, a deadline of January 1, 2010, and a randomly picked theme to create my book around. Out of 30 options my selected theme was "My life in a Yellow Submarine."Once the sketchbooks were completed and sent back, they would tour various locations in the U.S. before ultimately finding a permanent home in the sketchbook library at the Art House Co-op Gallery in Brooklyn, NY. However, my sketchbook got pushed to the side as I got bogged down with finishing my schoolwork for graduation last winter and I missed the deadline. But I am the type of person that finishes what she starts and I have continued to work on my sketchbook since with the intention of completing it. Here are a few of my finished illustrations:

Another project that I have been working on is the Chamomile Tunic. The tunic features a crocheted flower waistline which makes it both pretty and a "pain in the butt." I started this project back in October 2009, but quickly put it into hibernation. This month. I've picked it back up again and am trying to crochet a couple of flowers a week. So far I'm up to 22 (out of 60ish)
If you have a Ravelry account you can find the pattern here. I'm using Knit Picks Alpaca Cloud in Tide-Pool.

Finally, I fell in love with Chic Steals Ruffled Top tutorial this week and I found the perfect shirt to use.
Finally, I fell in love with Chic Steals Ruffled Top tutorial this week and I found the perfect shirt to use.
George Patterned Button Down
Size XL
Walmart $3 (on Clearance)
It looks a LOT like the shirt Chic Steals used in her tutorial, don't ya think!? I'm hoping to try this out sometime next week. So, keep checking back to see the finished products.
Size XL
Walmart $3 (on Clearance)
It looks a LOT like the shirt Chic Steals used in her tutorial, don't ya think!? I'm hoping to try this out sometime next week. So, keep checking back to see the finished products.
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